Monday, December 26, 2011

Run a 5K - DONE!

This will also require a gym membership.  And the couch to 5k app for my android.  Hahaha!

1/2/2012 -  I will download on the day I'm ready to start running.  It looks like I'm going to do the Mother's day 5k here in Portland!
        P.S. My new year's resolution is to NOT join the gym in order to reach my goals.
                      P.P.S. I don't do things I don't want to do.  This includes another wretched gym relationship.

I started Couch to 5k at the end of January; running in a storm on a snowday from school, even.  After three weeks of the program (repeating week two) I ended up with my first head cold, so my training was on hiatus.  Then I got lazy.  Then it came down to crunch time!!!  So I have restarted the program!  Here we go!

3/27/12 - I had a great experience today at The Maine Running Company and I highly recommend anyone to check it out.  It was suggested to me that I go there, since I know NOTHING about running shoes, and I am SO glad I did.  The shoe specialist who was STUCK WITH ME was lovely and patient, and far too knowledgeable for me to keep up, but I appreciate his efforts.  He was excited for me to be training for my first 5k and assures me I will want to keep running after this ... we'll see about that when the time comes.  I tried 5 pairs of sneaks, and settled on the Saucony Hurricane.  I decided that investing in my goals meant investing in myself (and a LOCAL company), neither being a bad thing :)  So as week 4 wraps up tomorrow with my C25K program, I will try out my new kicks on a full run, using my new running tips, as well.

AAAAAAAAAND, I just registered for the Mother's Day 5k:

5/13/12 - Here we are, REJOICING DAY!  Today was the Mother's Day 5k and I rocked it.

Past:  I have been training for this since (really) February.  A few times on a treadmill, but mostly outside in my neighborhood on the pavement was my terrain.  My training "runs" have not always felt so good, resulting in a pace between 15 and 17 minutes.  In fact, many of them were slightly discouraging, and my knees have been angry with me as of recent.  The last training "run" I did was on Wednesday in between rain showers with a 17:16 pace.  I have been 'resting' since then...

Today: I got up at 7am to eat breakfast (egg and pretend sausage breakfast sandwich) and lounge around watching the news.  I got dressed - hadn't even thought of what tshirt to wear but settled on "Got Lobster?" - laced up the sneakers.  Lots of water-drinking, and subsequently, peeing.  I drove over and parked in Deering Oaks, and stopped at the first out-house I found and then realizing I hadn't put my bib number on.  It was in my car, exactly where I left it...  So after going back to get that, I found myself intact, with a number, my phone/music, earbuds, and car keys (which I so gracefully kept in my sports bra).  The first outhouse was completely unacceptable (and coming from me, you know that bathroom is a colossal mess), so I staked a spot in line at the next set of outhouses.  Surrounded by other people in groups, I was nervous I wouldn't know where to go for the start line, or what to do to warm up. 
So after conquering the outhouse line, I started following other people to the start.  I lost one of my earbud covers while trying to untangle them... awesome start.  But the show must go on!  I found a piece of wall to stretch with, and overheard some women talking about their "love/hate" relationship with running, to which I chimed in "Mine is mostly hate."  We all chuckled and one of them said it was her first 5k, and I told her it was mine too!!  I said "I'm proud of you already!!" and went back to my stretching.  I was getting really nervous.  So many people, all looking very skilled, like they've been doing this for awhile.  Even men and women more "curvier" than myself appeared more calm and ready for this. 
Thankfully my friend Nate appeared out of nowhere!  Seeing a friendly and encouraging face completely calmed my nerves.  We walked over to the starting area - pretty sure my mouth was gaping open - but Nate thankfully showed me the pacing signs and as he moved to his pace-group, I headed for the WAAAAAAAAAAAY back.  I moved in front of some folks, and took my place thinking "I've got this."  Most of the race was a blur, but I was pleased when I saw the two time-clocks along the route.  Next time I come across a road race, I will certainly stop to cheer, because even strangers cheering for me was really comforting and helpful.  Coming into the stadium was crowded with walkers.  I was trying to run around them but couldn't manage to get by some walkers at the finish line.  When my name was called, someone - I don't know who - whooped for me from the stadium.  As I walked out to the parking lot, I was a little teary-eyed that I had accomplished such a huge goal; I received a carnation and water, and much to my thankfulness, Nate had stuck around for at least 30 minutes after his finish.  I jumped for joy to see someone I knew at the end, and I am more grateful than I can express for his congratulatory remarks. The woman I met during stretching even found me to congratulate me, and I hugged her to thank and congratulate her back.

Future:  I worked so hard on this goal; painstaking runs/jogs/wogs in snowstorms, sunshine, freezing cold, blazing hot, typical-Maine weather.  Now that I've worked up to it, I could probably keep up the jogging :)  It would be a shame to throw this away after so much effort - more effort than I've put into any other form of exercise.

My official race time: 46:17 with a pace of 14:54 - I think it's the best pace I've ever had.  Ever.

Goal accomplished!

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